About my blog

I first became interested in my family history in the early 1980's and have been researching my family history since then.  Over the years, I've made contact with lots of others researching their family history and appreciate their willingness to share information and between us, we’ve made some very interesting discoveries...

Like many researching their family history at one time I had hoped one day to put together a book however, family history is a never-ending hobby, new information often comes to light and there is always been something else I want to research.   

In 2000, a website seemed the best way to make information available to many people and during the Olympic Games I created Vicki's Vintage Vault.  However, after several years I found this difficult to maintain and keep updated. Online trees then became available and I transferred my tree to Ancestry and whilst I was working found this the best way to keep my tree updated and also available to others. 

While an online tree was a great way to document information about my ancestors, it didn't easily allow you share their stories, so in 2020 after presenting at few SAG Hang Outs, I started to write up my presentations as blog posts. Hopefully the writing will continue and I will share some of the stories related to the above questions over time. 

I have two other blogs, DNA Discoveries, where I have shared some stories about how I've used DNA techniques together with traditional research to solve some family history dilemmas. My other blog, Roll of Honour documents the stories of some of my military ancestors. 

In 2017 I took a DNA test and it has developed into a major interest for me and I am keen to use DNA to confirm my paper research. Here's my genetic tree showing those lines I've been able to confirm through DNA. 


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