Ancestral Places - Ayrshire, Scotland - Haste ye back
My mum was born in Ayrshire, Scotland and although we always knew that her paternal ancestors were from Ireland we had presumed that her maternal ancestors were all Scottish. However as you can see in her birthplace tree below, research revealed that one branch of her maternal tree was actually English and another was also Irish! Since 2017, Mum has taken several DNA tests with different companies to help me with my research. Over the years, she's become more and more Scottish each time Ancestry update their DNA Ethnicity Estimates. AncestryDNA calculates ethnicity estimates by comparing your DNA to a reference panel made up of thousands of DNA samples from people with a long family history in one place or within one group. Over time, Ancestry tests more people in these reference panels which is why we get these updates every 12-18 months. Mum's results have gone from 53% Scotland to 75% Scotland. When you look at the Ancestry map it depicts the long history of m...